For bakers, Thanksgiving is so close you can actually touch it. With every pie shell rolled, every little (or large) oven burn, Thanksgiving feels quite tangible. Even if you aren''t trapped in the sugar trenches, there's an over abundance of holiday inspiration easily within reach.
In case you haven't heard, this could be your BEST last-Thursday-In-November yet. Inundated with articles and click bait taunting with the BEST recipe and methodology to achieve holiday superstardom is making me slightly nauseous. No offense intended in the way you might approach the meal, but I'm planning on roasting the turkey as usual. It's quite possible my stuffing isn't your idea of the BEST STUFFING EVER but we look forward to our tangle of matzoh, caramelized onions and fresh herbs doused in homemade turkey gravy. Best is such an over-used word. My best doesn't have to align with your notion of best. Wouldn't the words, "Our Favorite" be a better choice than "The Best" when penning those boastful headlines and directives? Because my favorite doesn't have to be your favorite and honestly, it doesn't have to be the preeminent in its category. Thoughtfully prepared food enjoyed in the company of some of your favorite people should be more than enough to feed your soul. So no apologies here but I won't be spatchcocking, confit-ing or cane syrup-ing. I've given up the turkey-in-a-bath-of-brine and I will always return to James Beard for pie inspiration. Not because my way is the best way, but because it's our favorite. What isn't a favorite and certainly not the best way to get Thanksgiving dinner on the table is learning that your oven has a safety lock. (Said lock activates when the oven has been on for too many consecutive hours.) In that case, it's always best to keep the oven manual within reach. One of this week's big surprises was finding a glut of Meyer lemons at the market. A far cry from the flavors of the season, the lemons made sacrificing a highly coveted pie shell from the freezer an easy decision. Best of luck as you navigate the days leading up to your very, very outstanding holiday.
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